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2022天主教郭得勝中學:Students’ Achievements in HKDSE      


As a Catholic school using English as the Medium of Instruction (EMI status is affirmed in the 3rd Medium of Instruction cycle 2022-2028), we never cease to provide additional learning opportunities for students with the right potential. Our Secondary 6 students have achieved excellent results in the 2022 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination. The overall passing rate is 98%, of which 9 subjects are 100%, and the passing rates of the four core subjects of Chinese, English, Mathematics and Liberal Studies are 99%, 98%, 98% and 100% respectively. The school offers a total of 16 HKDSE subjects, with a subject average of 53% in attaining Level 4 or above. The percentage of Level 4 or above of all subjects is higher than that of the Territory-wide level and the average of percentages of Level 5 or above is also higher than that of the Territory-wide level. 8 of the DSE subjects have more than 50% of the students obtaining Level 4 or above, and more than 70% of the students in 4 subjects obtained Level 4 or above. In the best 5 subjects, an average percentage of Level 4 or above is 77%, which is an exciting and encouraging result.



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